
In this section we publish information relating to the management company of Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport.
Here it is possible to view and download economic and financial information of the Group GEASAR and traffic statistics.
Financial statements, prepared in accordance with statutory regulations and standard accounting, are published on the website after the approval of the relevant authorities.
You can also consult and download Olbia Airport traffic statistics and consult corporate documents, communications from the Institutions and Publications ex art. 1 comma 32 L.190/2012.
Only italian version available for several documents.

Il Decreto Legislativo n. 231/2001 e il Decreto Legislativo 10 Marzo 2023, n. 24 “Attuazione della direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 23 ottobre 2019”, riguardante la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni di disposizioni normative nazionali o dell'Unione Europea di cui siano venute a conoscenza in un contesto lavorativo pubblico o privato, hanno definito la gestione delle Segnalazioni cd. “Whistleblowing”.

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With reference to the data and information referred to in Legislative Decree 33/2013, civic access is permitted pursuant to art. 5 of the same decree.
The application must be submitted to
Within thirty days, the document or information or data requested will be published on the website and the applicant will be notified of the publication, indicating the hyperlink to what is requested.
If the document, information or data requested are already published in compliance with current legislation, the administration will indicate the relative hypertext link to the applicant.

Airport Regulations (only italian version available)

Il Codice Etico del Gruppo Meridiana (only italian version available)

Model of Organisation and Control (only italian version available)

Profilo società/gruppo (only italian version available)

Service Charter  (English version available)

In this section are published various Notices and Communications (italian version only).

Avviso pubblico Rettifica CUP

In this section are published the information referred to Article 1, paragraph 32 of Law 6 November 2012, no. 190 laying down "Provisions For the prevention and repression of corruption and illegality in public administration"

"The purpose of this publication, according to L. 190/2012, is to allow free consultation of documents and materials with a view to" civic access"

Only italian version available for several documents.