Contact us

If you wish to get in touch with Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport via email, fill out the form below and choose who you want to contact and the reason of your request (administration, assistance, handling, complaints, suggestions, etc.), we will reply as soon as possible.

If you would like to call us, following our contact details:
For information about flights and services to the passengers
Ph. +39 0789 563 444 
WhatsApp +39 345 1542636 (only message, not for calls)

For information about luggages (lost or damaged)
Ph. +39 0789 563 456 

GEASAR SPA management company of Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport
Administrative Offices +39 0789 563 400
Fax Administrative Offices +39 0789 563 401
certified email 

GROUND SAFETY REPORT: for reports click here

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