

The Geasar Group, aware of the growing importance of sustainability issues and the impact it has on the territory and the community, has embarked on a path of sustainability, with a view to continuous improvement in the management of economic, environmental and social aspects.

The achievement of the continuous improvement will also take place obtaining and maintaining certifications, included in the integrated Quality, Environment, Safety system in compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, by the certified DNV (Det Norske Veritas) certifier. These are integrated with the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), defined by the International Finance Corporation of World Bank Group, promoted by the holding company. The aforementioned management system is based on a system of evaluation, control and continuous improvement, developing along nine transversal directions relating to internal and external aspects of the Group. The system disciplines good practices in managing aspects and the main environmental and social risks associated with company activities.

Beginning in 2019, the Geasar Group draws up its sustainability report through which it intends to make its stakeholders participate, in a transparent manner, in the profuse commitment in favor of the social role and participation with the territory, of attention to resources human resources and environmental impacts deriving from their activities.

Download here the full documents:

Year 2022

Year 2021 

Year 2019-2020

Year 2018

Olbia Airport achieves level 3 “Optimisation” of the Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme. 

Level 3 Optimization represents an important recognition for Olbia airport, which is committed to achieving ambitious objectives in terms of environmental sustainability. The actions implemented by Geasar include those defined in the sustainability plan regarding energy efficiency, such as for example the programme to replace the cooling and heating systems with innovative and low-energivorous technologies; the installation of a photovoltaic system capable of satisfying almost a quarter of the airport's energy needs and the reduction of waste.

Download  ACA Certificate 2023-2024

Look at the Esg Policy