

This section contains information about the certifications obtained by the Olbia Costa Smeralda airport management company.

Geasar spa wanted to implement an integrated certification system to guarantee all the standards interesting its activities.
The Certification Bodies are ENAC (National Civil Aviation Authority) for Airport Certificates and Airport Service Provider Certificates and Det Norske Veritas (DNV), accredited by Accredia, for integrated certifications ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO 45001.

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In January 2021 Olbia Airport obtained the Airport Health Accreditation (AHA) certification issued by the Airports Council International (ACI), an international association representing more than 1,900 airports in the world.
The certification was granted following the evaluation of the sanitary measures and procedures introduced by Geasar following the COVID-19 pandemic and their compliance with the ICAO (International Aviation Organization), EASA-European Union Aviation Safety Agency and the protocol of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC – Aviation Health Safety Protocol). 
Download AHA Certificate

In October 2019, Olbia Airport joined the group of over 250 airports in the world that have voluntarily decided to play their part in the fight against climate change, adhering to the international program of ACI Europe "Airport Carbon Accreditation" (ACA), aimed at the reduction and sustainable management of atmospheric emissions. In 2023 it achieved the important accreditation result at level 3 "Optimisation" of the "Airport Carbon Accreditation" of ACI Europe, thanks to the involvement of stakeholders.

Geasar is certified by ENAC, in compliance with circular APT 02A of 25 January 2007, as the service provider of ground handling.
The certificate shall possess the eligibility requirements set out in Article. 13 D. lg. n. 18/1999 to ensure appropriate standards of sevices of aircraft ground handling, cargo and passengers.
Download the Certificate Handler Service Provider (edition n.5)

Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport has been certified by ENAC on November 24th 2017.
The certificate was issued following careful verification of compliance with the safety requirements prescribed by EC Regulation No. 216/2008 of the European Parliament and Council and EU Regulation No. 139/2014 of the European Commission.
The airport has been considered compliant with the requirements imposed by Regulation 216/2008 and by the implementing regulation 139/2014 both for the physical characteristics of the airport (infrastructures, systems, systems, adjoining areas) and for the corporate and operational organization intended as set of resources, personnel and procedures.

Download the Enac Airport certificate

The commitment of Geasar is aimed at developing a culture of safety through all airport activities, aware that all those operating within the airport contribute, each in their own role, to secure operations on the ground and in flight.
Safety is an important priority in all the activities of Geasar as it allows us to better protect the main resource of the airport, the passenger.
Geasar is committed to developing, implementing and improving appropriate management strategies, systems and processes to ensure that all airport activities confirm the highest level of safety and meet all national and international standards.

The Safety Management System
In December 2007, Geasar set up the Safety Management System (SMS) at Olbia Airport: a special facility dedicated to identifying the dangers inherent in airport activities, their assessment and management of associated risks, including actions to be undertaken to mitigate the risk.
The SMS consists of various elements, among these are:
• Safety Policy
• Reporting System

Safety Policy
The safety policy is a central component of the SMS and establishes the commitment of Geasar to ensure that Safety is the driving force of all airport operations on the ground related to flight activity.
Aware that all those operating within the airport contribute, to varying degrees, to secure operations on the ground and in flight, Geasar has put in place and will continue to put in place the following:
• compliance of flight infrastructures and plants / aids
• periodic verification of all the equipment and vehicles used in airside activities
• drafting and continuous review of operating procedures
• specific and recurrent training of staff
The above will allow Geasar, also through the implementation of Safety Management System, to achieve the following objectives:
• Responsibility of management and individual collaborators to safety issues
• Dissemination and rooting in the personnel working at all levels of a positive culture of Safety and of the universal principle of Just Culture
• Maintenance and improvement of the Safety
• Awareness of all operators on the need to report any event that could have an impact on Safety

Download Politica di sicurezza (Safety Policy)

The Reporting System
A central element of the Safety Management System is the Reporting System. This includes all the activities of collecting and managing aeronautical event reports, analyzed for the monitoring of safety standards and the continuous development of the Safety Management System.
Each anomalous event contains in itself the elements that, if properly known and investigated, can form the basis for implementing the appropriate corrective actions, so that the event does not happen again.
Anyone, but above all, every airport person is required to collaborate with the airport security programs reporting in the shortest possible time any event that may have, or has had, an impact on the safety of operations, using the voluntary reporting form "Ground" Safety Report "(GSR) below.

Download Ground Safety Report
Ground safety report Click here

The "environment" factor represents for Geasar a strategic element in the Group's corporate policy. The company is aware that an economic strategy aimed at reducing the environmental impact of their activities is beyond the requirements of the law, an essential element for its success, for the operation of the airport, for the satisfaction of the user and responds to requirements for environmental improvement expected from the area in which the company operates. The environmental certification, obtained from Geasar in 2009, provides an Environmental Management System established, implemented and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the international standard UNI EN ISO 14001:2015.

Download the ISO 14001-2015 Certificate

Geasar considers the protection of the Health and Safety of its workers (SSL), to those of its subsidiaries Cortesa Srl and Eccelsa S.r.l., and all those who interact with the airport system a priority.
In this context, the Company is engaged in an active and certificated Safety Management program which meets the requirements of the new standard ISO 45001/2018, the internationally recognised reference standard for the occupational health and safety management system.

Certificate UNI ISO 45001-2018 

The Quality Management System represents for Geasar a tool for the achievement of the quality purposes, a "modus operandi" and a necessary condition to create a real organization and able to compete with increasingly challenging markets, because capable of ensuring the Customer the assurance of a high quality standard. 
For this reason Geasar implemented since 19/10/2010 a Quality Management System according to the requirements of UNI EN ISO:2015, which is part of an Integrated Management System for Quality - Environment - Safety. The ISO9001 Quality System also handles matters related to the Service Charter of the Airport.
Download the Iso 9001 certificate