Airport fees and fares

Airport Tariffs 2023 and 2024

Geasar S.p.A., the managing company of Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, informs that on October 26th 2023 the consultation procedure on the Tariffs applicable at the airport starting from January 1st 2024 has been concluded.

The tariffs applicable from 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023 can be downloaded at the following link      

The tariffs applicable from 01.01.2024  can be downloaded at the following link 

The PRM fee can be downloaded at the following link.

The ground handling fee schedule valid from January 1st 2023 can be downloaded at the following link.


                              Launch of Consultation Procedure on the proposed revision of airport charges:

                                                                         ANNUAL CONVOCATION OF USERS 

The company GEASAR S.p.A., the management company of Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, informs Users that the Annual Users Committee is convened to review the fees and the PRM fee

The hearing is scheduled for October 26, 2023 at 15:00, at the company's headquarters. In order to facilitate the organization, Users interested in participating are requested to confirm by 20 October, 2023 at the e-mail address

                                                                         How to access the documentation 

The documentation, in accordance with the provisions of Model in force and the PRM Guidelines, can be downloaded from this link ( which will allow the redirection to a Reserved Area.

After signing the Confidentiality Agreement(downloadable here)to be sent to the email address, the User will receive a User-ID and a password to access the documentation.