Geasar S.p.A

GEASAR S.p.A. was founded in 1985 and became operational in March 1989 when it was entrusted with the management of the airport and its facilities by the Italian Ministry of Transportation. In October 2004, after 15 years of hard work, the company received the forty-year concession, that assigns to Geasar the Airport full direction for the next forty years.
In concomitance with the concession, Enac assigned to Geasar also the 'Airport Certificate', according to the '“Regolamento per la costruzione e l’esercizio degli aeroporti” used by the ENAC CDA from October 2003. This document certifies the managing companies and provide for a continuous control by them on the security processes. 
In January 2010 Geasar S.p.A. received the Certificate of Conformity of the Environmental Management System that meets the parameters of the UNI EN ISO 14001.


 The company shares are divided up as follows: F2i Ligantia S.p.A. (79,8%), Sassari Chamber of Commerce (10%), Nuoro Chamber of Commerce (8%), Independent Region of Sardinia (2%), Costa Smeralda Consortium (0,2%).


They are part of the group Cortesa S.r.l., Eccelsa Aviation S.r.l. and Alisarda Real Estate S.r.l. companies.

By obtaining the forty years concession for the total management of the airport, Geasar confirms its role as total manager of the operational and management activities carried out at Olbia Airport, including: 
- Handling Services: ground handling of passengers and line aircraft and Charter;
- General Aviation (Eccelsa Aviation Srl): ground handling of passengers and private aircraft;
- Leading and maintenance of flight infrastructure (track, yards, etc.) and airport infrastructure (airport, shopping mall, parking lots, offices, etc.);
- Commercial activities managed directly (Cortesa Srl) or sub-licensing.

All activities are carried out with the aim of:
- distinguish the airport by the quality of its services in terms of hospitality, elegance, courtesy and safety;
- confirm the centrality of the customer and the continuous search for his satisfaction.


To become, in the international context, a reference airport for Technological Innovation, Environmental Sustainability, Positivity of Social Impact and Customer Experience.


Geasar SpA, as part of its activities, aims to implement the following targets:
- to plan the development of the airport and create airport structures and infrastructures, thus guaranteeing high standards of safety and security;
- to manage efficiently the airport offering airlines and passengers a high quality, constantly improving, service;
- to promote the development of the airport according to the regional needs, in order to increase passenger traffic throughout the year and foster tourist, economic and social development in Sardinia;
- to encourage the integration of the airport with the surrounding area through projects that will themselves facilitate cultural, business and social development.

Geasar SpA

Company's name: Geasar SpA
Registered Office: c/o Costa Smeralda Airport - 07026 Olbia (SS)
Company's capital: € 12.912.000 (i.v.)
P.IVA: 01222000901
Ph. Administrative Offices: +39 0789 563 400
Fax Administrative Offices +39 0789 563 401
certified email 
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