The Terminal

The New Terminal has been officially opened on June 6th 2004. The project of a renovation, designed by the well known architect Willem Brower and the engineering office Geogramma, begun in 2000. During the last three years, investments for 46 million euro have been realized and, in the next 3 years, investments in infrastructures and security for 35 millions euro have been forecasted. The air terminal now covers a total surface of 42.000 sqm, three times the size of the original facility. It now also boasts 43 check in desks, 16 exit, 5 fingers and a large 2.200 sqm shopping area which also offers a range of services. The new terminal has been designed to cater to the needs of 4.5 million passengers per year. Its modern elegant architecture blends beautifully into the surrounding countryside. The new facility ensures that travelers time there will be spent as pleasantly and comfortably as possible.

The new control tower is 42 m of highness and hosts on surface of 120 sqm, the third biggest operative room in Italy after Milano Malpensa and Bologna. In the same room the air-traffic controllers manage the Tower service (TWR) for landings and take off and the Radar service (APP-approach) for airplane from-to Olbia Airport. The operative emplacements are 3, all provided with radar screens and multifunctional terminals for meteorogical and aeronautical information (tower controller-radar controller/planner and radar controller/executive).

These emplacements could become 4 during Summer, when the airport is laden with traffic. Olbia airport has also a dedicated aerial radar for the approach of the flights in arrival and departure from the land and the flying over, thanks to its integration with the Control centre radar system of Rome Ciampino.
Moreover, two new rooms, that covers a surface of 270 sqm have been built. Here all the systems useful for the flights assistance (transceivers, radars, etc.)