Privacy policy for video surveillance


Data Subjects: affected by the video surveillance activity.

Geasar S.p.A. as data controller of the personal data/images of the affected subject, pursuant to and for the purposes of EU Reg. 2016/679 hereinafter 'GDPR', he hereby informs the affected subject of the treatment that the aforementioned legislation provides for protection of data subjects with respect to the processing of personal data and that this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your privacy and your rights.

Geasar S.p.A. - Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, 07026 Olbia (SS) Ph. +39 0789 563400 - Fax +39 0789 563401 e-mail: - ​​certified e-mail: 

Cortesa S.r.l. - Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, 07026 Olbia (SS) Ph. +39 0789 563463 - Fax +39 0789 563401 - e-mail:  - ​​certified e-mail:
Cortesa S.r.l. is the joint controller of the processing of images taken with the video surveillance system present in the parking areas and in its own warehouse. 

Eccelsa S.r.l. - Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, 07026 Olbia (SS) Ph. +39 0789 563480 - Fax +39 0789 563481 - e-mail: e-mail: - ​​certified e-mail:
Eccelsa S.r.l. is the the joint controller of the processing of images taken with the video surveillance system present in the areas located at the airport terminal.

Ph. +39 3459764751 - E-mail address: - ​​certified e-mail:

Geasar S.p.A. informs that some video surveillance systems have been installed at the express request of the Polizia di Frontiera scalo marittimo aereo di Olbia, for the purpose of protecting security and public order. With regard to these systems, the aforementioned law enforcement is considered as independent Data Controller, as the same subjects determine the methods and the purposes of the processing. Geasar S.p.A. informs the affected subjects and all the people who will access their offices that the airport and the grounds, including the parking areas, are, in function of the video surveillance systems, appropriately signaled before the relative radius of action through appropriate signs as provided in the General Provision on Video surveillance of the Privacy Guarantor of April 8th, 2010.

The data controller informs that the personal data/images of the affected subject will be treated in accordance with the legislative provisions of the aforementioned law and the confidentiality obligations provided.
Purposes of the processing: in particular, the personal data/images of the affected subjects will be processed for the purposes connected with the implementation of obligations relating to legislative or contractual obligations: internal control services for organizational and production needs, job security, protection of company assets, protection of public safety, prevention and detection of crimes, monitoring of movement areas, safety checks on some operating areas and facilities. 
Legal basis of the processing: the personal data/images of the data subject will be processed on the basis of the legitimate interests of the Data Controller for the integrity of the company assets for safety and security, logistic and operational purposes related to applicable regulatory provisions.
Data Processing methods: personal data/images of the affected subjects may be processed in the following ways: treatment by electronic devices for consultation and registration of the same (data/images). Each treatment is carried out in compliance with the procedures set out in articles 6, 32 of the GDPR and through the adoption of the appropriate security measures provided.
Communication: the personal data/images of the affected subjects will be communicated exclusively to competent subjects duly appointed for the performance of the services necessary for a correct management of the relationship, with guarantee of protection of the rights of the affected subject. The personal data/images of the subject will be processed only by staff expressly authorized by the Data Controller, designating in writing all natural persons authorized to use the facilities and, in those cases where it is essential for the purposes pursued, to view the records (article 30 of the Code). The personal data/images of the affected subject may be communicated to third parties in compliance with legal obligations, in particular to: police and judicial bodies. Personal data may be disclosed in addition to the Data Protection Officer, some external parties, appointed by Geasar SpA, as the case may be, as Data Controllers or Data Processors, for the execution of services and activities related to safety and security airport, assistance and systems maintenance.
Diffusion: the personal data/images of the affected subject will not be disclosed in any way.
Data retention period: we inform you that, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, limitation of purposes and minimization of data, pursuant to art. 5 of the GDPR, the period of retention of the personal data/images of the affected subject is established for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are collected and processed in compliance with the mandatory times prescribed by law. The recording of the images is scheduled for 7 days from the time the images were taken subject to special requirements for further preservation in the event that a specific investigative request must be made by the judicial or judicial police. 
After this term, the images will be completely erased by overwriting new images.
Data Controller: the Data Controller, pursuant to the Law, is Geasar S.p.A. in the person of his legal representative, with registered office at Costa Smeralda Airport; the data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.
Joint Controller: Cortesa S.r.l. in the person of its legal representative, with registered office at Costa Smeralda Airport, it is entitled to process images taken with the video surveillance system present in the parking areas; Eccelsa S.r.l. in the person of his legal representative, with registered office at Costa Smeralda Airport, he is a holder for the processing of images taken with the video surveillance system present in the areas located at his own terminal and the forecourt.
Rights of data subjects: We inform you that the EU Regulation 2016/679 recognizes the exercise of specific rights. In particular: - to request confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data; - to request access to their personal data and all related information; - to request the rectification, cancellation, limitation and opposition to the processing of personal data; - to request the portability of their personal data. Finally, we inform you that you can file a complaint with the Control Authority, which in Italy is the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.

To exercise the aforementioned rights, report problems or ask for clarification on the processing of personal data, you can send a written request directly to the "Data Protection Officer (DPO)", to the postal address of the registered office or to the email address