During the Flight

Well being on a journey

Facing the journey in the right physical and mental condition helps your holiday to get rid of the stress accumulated during the frenetic everyday life. Here are some tips on how to relax and get ready to live an unforgettable holiday in Sardinia!

Before the flight

  • Plan your flight in advance, trying to travel during the day if possible.
    · Avoid stressing activities the day before you trip.
    · Don’t smoke
    · Take your time to complete all the flight formalities, in order to face the journey in the right mental condition.
  • Apply a good moisturizer on your face: air conditioning can cause dry skin.
    · Put eyeglasses instead of contact lens to avoid eye irritations.
    · Dress comfortable clothes, avoiding tight clothes and using comfortable shoes. Put a heavy pullover in you hand luggage, because the air conditioning could be very strong.
    · If you are scared by air sickness book, if possible, the seat on the wings, where you will feel less the rolling in case of turbolence.
    · If you suffer of hand problems as pain or stiffness bring with you a soft ball to squeeze during the flight.
    · If you have circulation disorders dress surgical stockings.
    · After check-in, take a walk inside the terminal, to prepare yourself to spend a long time sitting and relaxing.

During the flight

  • For those who suffer from cervical pain, get the appropriate neck pillow.
    · Don’t smoke during the flight. Some of the main airline companies offer a substitutive product, able to mitigate the nicotine abstencion effects.
    · Make sure that the seat belt is not too tight, it may inhibit blood circulation.
    · Stretch your arms and legs. Every 30 minutes stand up and walk up and down the air corridor, or do simple stretching exercises.
    · Drink a lot of water, better if in small doses.
    · Moderate alcohol consumption, as these are more easily absorbed by the body at high altitude due to the low air pressure inside the cabin and the dehydration caused by the air conditioning.
    · Limit the nicotine consumption.
    · Engine noise can be irritating, especially on long-haul flights. It is advisable to use earplugs, or listen to a relaxing music program.

After the arrival

· Walk slowly inside the airport to reactive blood circulation
· Seat comfortably and stand your feet up if possible.
· Get some rest if you had a long journey.

For every problems remember that the First Aid area at Olbia Airport is located in the middle of the terminal, near the bar.