Autism traveling through the airport

Olbia  Airport adheres to the ENAC project "Autism - Traveling through the Airport," designed to facilitate air travel for people with autism spectrum, which includes a familiarization course with spaces and environments they will encounter during their journey.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty in communication, the presence of restricted and repetitive interests, and the presence of motor stereotypies.

People with autism appear bizarre, sometimes do not communicate verbally and have major difficulties in social interaction. However, it is difficult to pigeonhole autism into homogeneous characteristics because each individual is different from the other; therefore, it is more correct to speak of "autism spectrum disorder," where spectrum indicates a variety of behavioral manifestations that differ greatly in severity and type.

Very common is rigidity in behavior and the need for known daily routines; knowing what will be done, how it will be done, and where, helps people with autism manage the anxiety that surfaces when situations are unknown instead. Therefore, travel for a person with autism can generate anxiety, which in turn can trigger behavioral crises.

In the departure area of the airport is the Special assistance waiting room where you will find a 'waiting area reserved for people with autism with environment design aimed at this sphere of disability.

To facilitate the travel preparation of the passenger with autism and accompanying persons, Olbia Airport has prepared a Social Story in which the environments and the various salient stages that will be encountered during the stay at the airport are described.



Airport familiarization

It is very useful to make usable in advance what will be the routes and environments in which the trip will take place. Having specially researched and designed information material (photos, videos, etc.) greatly helps families and people with autism to face a trip with more serenity.

In this context, Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport has provided the possibility of conducting targeted visits of its Airport, reserved for individuals with autism in order to promote familiarization with the facilities and services provided.

To book the "familiarization visit" at Olbia Airport simply:

-   download the reservation form by clicking HERE

-   print, fill out and sign the reservation form, attaching the required documentation;

-   send the form and documentation in .pdf file to the email address

A request for a "familiarization visit" must be sent at least 7 days in advance of the day you want to make such a visit.

The visit will be confirmed by email and will be arranged according to airport operations.

The person with autism will never be separated from family members or companions, who will always be supervised by our staff throughout their time in the terminal.

KAIROS project


The "KAIROS" project is based on autonomy development techniques in autism and accessibility of public places. The KAIROS project at the airport aims to make the air terminal more welcoming and usable for people with autism spectrum. Several vertical supports have been made and installed inside the air terminal that, through the use of pictograms and figures, depict what is possible to find in the surrounding area (pharmacy, store, food, toilet, etc.) and promote the orientation of people with autism to the main points of interest in the terminal