Departing passengers

You can receive assistance upon arrival at the airport at:

-  the drop-off point located in front of the air terminal;
-  the Special assistance waiting room;
-  at check-in;
-  directly at the parking lot by contacting the Special assistance waiting room number 


Assistance request column  (“Call Point Special Assistance”)


The totem has been designed and built to meet and be accessible to all types of disabilities, according to the criteria outlined in Annex 5-K of Ecac DOC 30 "Harmonization of Emergency Call Point Signage."

In case of malfunction or Totem out of service, contact the Special assistance waiting roomnumber directly.

Presentation time

In order to receive the required assistance and carry out the paperwork (check-in), respect the presentation time at the airport:

  •        Two hours for Schengen flights
  •        Three hours for non-Schengen flights

Or report to the check-in counters (check-in) as follows in advance of flight departure time:

  •        One hour for Schengen flights
  •        Two hours for Extra Schengen flights 

    PRM free parking

    In case of possession of a parking card for the disabled as per Presidential Decree 151/2012, it is possible to park for free in any parking area of the airport.

    To take advantage of the facility, the entitled person must always exit from the manned gate and show, at the time of exit, the parking card in original, together with the ticket collected at the entrance, to the parking staff, on duty every day.

    In the event that the car parking is prolonged in the days, the holder of the badge or the accompanying person must compulsorily report this eventuality in advance to the parking attendants, who will provide the same with a document to be placed inside the car and exhibited at the exit.

    f the card holder is not in the car at the time of exit, any accompanying persons of disabled passengers, in order to take advantage of the exemption, in addition to the card holder's card in the original, together with the ticket collected at the entrance, must also show the parking staff a copy of the card holder's airline ticket.

    At all parking areas of the airport are, in addition, available reserved parking spaces regulated by the Italian Highway Code, Art. 188 "circulation and parking of vehicles serving disabled persons and subsequent amendments.