Following the expiry of Decree-Law n. 24 of March 24th 2022, from May 1st 2022 access to air transport services nationally will be permitted without a Green Pass. 

According to the Law 15th June 2022 of Ministry of Health, it is suggested (not mandatory) to use respiratory protective devices on board all aircraft.


As of 1 June 2022, the Green Pass or other equivalent certification is no longer required for entry or re-entry into Italy.
COVID-19 restrictive measures for arrivals from abroad are no longer in force.

For more information regarding all travel to/from abroad we invite you to visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the dedicated section and consult the site Viaggiare Sicuri (only Italian version available) or to contact the public utility number 1500 from Italy and from abroad the numbers +39 0232008345 - +39 0283905385 of the Ministry of Health.

Click here for current travel information FAQs.