Quality standards, regulation and useful links

Geasar aims to meet the following quality standards set by ENAC Circular GEN02:




1. Efficiency of assistance services

For booked departing passengers

Waiting time to receive assistance, from one of the designated points at the airport, once notified of your presence

  • 80% of passengers should not wait more than 10 minutes
  • 90% of passengers should not wait more than 20 minutes
  • 100% of passengers should not wait more than 30 minutes

For unbooked departing passengers

Waiting time to receive assistance, from one of the designated points at the airport, once notified of your presence

80% of passengers should not wait more than  25 minutes

For booked arriving passengers

Waiting time to receive assistance, at the gate/aircraft point compared to the disembarkation of the last passenger

  • 80% ofpassengers should not wait more than 5 minutes
  • 90% of passengers should not wait more than 10 minutes
  • 100% of passengers should not wait more than 20 minutes

For unbooked arriving passengers

Waiting time to receive assistance, at the gate/aircraft point compared to the disembarkation of the last passenger

80% of passengers should not wait more than 25 minutes


Number of passengers reaching the aircraft in time for pre-boarding and departure compared to the total number of passengers who requested assistance


2. Personal safety (safety)


Existence of procedures to ensure the use of appropriate equipment in good condition in each operation (procedures  for acquisition, verification, and proper use in each operation)

a numerical target cannot be established in this case, but it must be verified that the above procedures exist and that they are effective and followed

Existence of procedures to ensure the use of properly trained personnel for each service (under normal and emergency conditions, ashore and on board)

a numerical target cannot be established in this case, but it must be verified that the above procedures exist and that they are effective and followed

3. Information at points of sale

Information essential to learn about, book, and apply for assistance services, and the safety policies practiced by each carrier must be accessible, particularly accessibility with respect to sensory (visual and hearing) and motor disabilities.


Number of essential information accessible to visual, hearing and motor disabilities as a proportion of the total number of essential information

this number must tend to 100%


Number of available services, any restrictions and conditions for which there are accessible instructions and information related to the total number

this number must tend to 100%

4. Information at the airport

The essential information to be able to request the assistance services (from the designated points), and to be able to have the flight information, to be able to use the airport services (bars,restaurants, etc...), to be able to have the baggage information, must be accessible to people with the different types of disabilities, in particular accessibility must be guaranteed with respect to sensory  (visual and hearing) and motor disabilities


Number of essential information accessible to visual, hearing, and motor disabilities as a proportion of the total number of information


this number must tend to 100%


Number of available services, any restrictions and conditions for which there are accessible instructions and information related to the total number

this number must tend to 100%

5. Communication with passengers


Number of responses on time compared to the number of requests for information

this number must tend to 100%

Number of complaints compared to total traffic of disabled passengers and passengers with reduced mobility

this number must tend to 0%

Geasar's goals for 2022 and achievements during the year 2021 are published in the Service Charter 2023


The regulation to which Geasar refers can be accessed through the following links:

-    Regulation_CE1107_2006

-    Brochure on the rights of passengers with disabilities and reduced mobility (PRM) reg. (EC) No. 1107/2006

-    Charter of Passenger Rights

-    Ordinance urgent measure seat assignment



-        https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/IT/TXT/?uri=LEGISSUM:l24132

-        https://www.geasar.it/Cms_Data/Contents/geasar_it/Media/docs/prm/PRM/enac-diritti-delle-persone-con-disabilita.pdf


-          https://www.volotea.com/it/la-tua-prenotazione/assistenza-speciale/


-          https://www.aeroitalia.com/prima-del-volo

-          https://www.enac.gov.it/passeggeri/diritti-dei-passeggeri-mobilita-ridotta-prm