
Car Park rules

The service is rendered under the following conditions in accordance with the Enac Regulation – Ordinanza Direzione Aeroportuale Sardegna n. 01/2019/OLB issued on 29/03/2019.

1. The parking area is unattended and is dedicated to cars only. Trailers of any kind are not allowed.
By withdrawing the automatic issue ticket, bearing the date and time of entry, at any entry points, and the subsequent introduction of the vehicle in the parking area, you compulsory accept a lease contract, which relates to the occupation of a single parking space without obligation from the part of CORTESA of supervision and custody, and implies for the user a total acceptance, according to art. 1341 Italian Civil Code, of the present Regulations. Pedestrian access to all parking areas is permitted to the public only to carry out the following operations: entry, loading/unloading, parking, short or extended parking, payment, vehicle collection and exit.
Transit or crossing of parking areas for reasons other than those related to the withdrawal or use of the car is strictly prohibited.

2. Parking and transit in parking areas is allowed exclusively for non-commercial purposes. Therefore, the use of the aforementioned areas for carrying out commercial activities (eg companies or professional subjects operating in the field of passenger transport, even free of charge, Hotel Shuttles, Parking Shuttles, Car Shuttles, Taxi Shuttles, NCC, TPL), it is absolutely not allowed without prior written authorization from CORTESA, which will subject these activities to specific rates.
Access and stay in the parking area Sosta Breve (sector C) is free up to a maximum limit of 10 (ten) minutes. Once the indicated time has elapsed, the tariff currently in effect will start.
It should also be noted that free parking is granted up to a maximum of 3 (three) entries per day from the same car; therefore, starting from the 4th (fourth) entry by the same vehicle, the current rate of 6.00 (six / 00) euros per passage will be applied, as indicated in the price list displayed at the entrance to the car park and on the Geasar website

3. All other vehicles such as caravans, campers, vans that is, all vehicles exceeding even one of the following maximum allowed measurements (length 5.50 m - width 2.50 m - height 2.10 m), motorbikes and motorcycles, must obtain an entering permission from the staff present at the office located at the main entrance of the parking, prior to entering the parking area.

4. CORTESA is not responsible for damages and/or robberies or attempted theft of vehicles or part of the vehicles (i.e. to radio, cd players, tire, etc..) or to baggage, valuables and other objects left inside the vehicles while parked in the parking area.
Moreover, CORTESA is not responsible for any damage of any kind caused by other users to parked vehicles, in particular during driving maneuvers. In fact, since it is an unattended car park and the automatic access mode is contemplated, CORTESA does not carry out any checks on the integrity of the vehicles and / or on the condition of the same when entering the car park.
5. The ticket is the only valid document accepted that allows for the release of the vehicle and must be kept until when ready to leave the parking area with the car. In case of non-issuance of the ticket by the automatic system, the user is required to notify the staff before entering the parking lot.
Any consequences arising from the loss of the ticket is at the user’s care.
The user who has lost the ticket, must provide a proof of the access in the parking lot, a valid identification document proving the lawful possession of the vehicle, together with the required police report for the lost ticket.
Furthermore, before leaving the parking area with the car, the user will have to pay a fee of € 150.00.
If the parking time exceeds the global term of 60 days, in addition to the fee of 150,00 euro, the user will be charged of the parking fees related to the parking time.

6. The Parking is equipped with a video surveillance system for the sole purpose of ensuring safety, traffic control, protection of company assets, prevent unlawful acts and any form of danger to the safety of the users.

7.The user is required to:
a) park the vehicle within the spaces and lock the access to the car before leaving the vehicles;
b) use exclusively one parking lot for each vehicle;
c) strictly observe the internal signs.
It is mandatory that the car is covered by insurance.
In the event of failure to comply these requirements, CORTESA has the right to remove the vehicle with costs and risks related to the total responsibility of the user, in addition to parking charges amounted to € 20.00 / day or fractions of day.
In the event that the vehicle is parked irregularly or simply outside the designated parking bays or invading two or more parking spaces, Cortesa Srl. may apply a fee equal to the sum of the applicable tariff referring to the occupied stalls.

8. It's absolutely forbidden to leave into the vehicles valuables and flammable materials, animals or other objects that, for whatever reason, can constitute hazard.
It is also prohibited:
a) loading or unloading and storage of objects of any kind, particularly flammable;
b) refueling, vehicle repairing or washing, recharging of batteries;
c) parking of leaking fuel vehicles or with other faults which may cause damage to the parking facilities or to the other vehicles;
d) parking vehicles without plate;
e) parking vehicles in the transit areas and/or in front of exits.

9. Before withdrawing the vehicle the user must pay for parking at the appropriate areas.
The exit of the vehicle from the parking lot must be done within 15 minutes from the time of payment.
Otherwise you will have to make another payment to cover the time after that limit.
The request of any invoice shall be made upon the payment by filling out the form available at the cashier's office.
The withdrawal of the vehicle, made by any person upon presentation of the ticket at the exit, terminates the obligation of Cortesa.
The failure to pay for parking allows Cortesa to retain the vehicle in accordance to art. 2756 of the Italian Civil Code.

10. Disabled people can park vehicles for free in special reserved stalls, showing immediately after the access to the parking lot to the parking office:
a) a valid disabled parking authorization issued by the municipality of residence;
b) the identity document of the disabled person;
c) the parking ticket.
Disabled vehicles must be identified by exposing in the car the original authorization or a special authorization issued by the parking staff.
Vehicles parked in bays reserved for the disabled, not equipped with such authorization will be removed at user expenses.

11. The maximum stay allowed is 180 days.
When parking exceed the term of 180 days, in order to recover the credit, CORTESA may inform the competent authorities, to remove the vehicle and transport it to another parking lot. Removal and stop costs will be charged to the owner till the withdrawal of the car.
If the vehicle is not collected in the next 30 days, and its amount has not been paid, Cortesa will proceed legally against the owner of the vehicle.

12. The parking areas and the parking equipment must be used by taking the utmost care; any damage will be charged to the user.

13. The user, in order to allow a prompt completion of any parking operation, has the obligation to comply with any instructions or requests of Cortesa staff.

14. Cortesa Srl (Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport, 07026 Olbia (SS) Tel. +39 0789 563403 - Fax +39 0789 563401 - e-mail pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Reg. 2016/679, as data controller, informs the interested parties that the processing of personal data takes place with tools, computer and / or telematics with logic strictly related to the purpose of providing personal data, however, in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, correctness, non-excessiveness and relevance provided for by current privacy legislation.
The personal data processed, understood as such: the personal data and payment data in the event of a subscription, the particular data such as the state of health for the use of the stalls dedicated to the disabled and the images taken by the internal video surveillance system ( CCTV) - for which a video surveillance privacy policy was prepared and can be consulted on the Olbia airport web page (at and available at the "Main Park" guard offices - will be treated respectively for the management and administrative purposes concerning the fulfillment of legislative contractual obligations and for the protection of company assets, protection of public safety, prevention and detection of crimes.
The provision of data is necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes and in default it will not be possible to carry them out in whole or in part. The data collected may be communicated to specially authorized internal subjects or to Group companies, carriers, shippers or banking institutions which Cortesa uses, always in compliance with the aforementioned purposes of treatment. The personal data will be kept until the consent is revoked, except for the contact data that will be kept for the entire duration of the contract, and after the termination for the ordinary prescription period of 10 years, plus any additional storage terms of the related tax documentation. After the storage terms described above, the data will be destroyed, deleted or made anonymous, consistent with the technical procedures for deletion and backup.
The interested parties may exercise and enforce the following rights: ask the data controller to access personal data (Art. 15 GDPR), the rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), the cancellation (Art. 17 GDPR) of the same or the limitation of the processing that concerns them (art. 18 GDPR), oppose their treatment (Art. 21 GDPR), in addition to the right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR); make a complaint to the Privacy Authority.
To exercise the aforementioned rights, report problems or ask for clarification on the processing of personal data, you can send a written request directly to the "Data Protection Officer (DPO)", to the postal address of the registered office or to the email address

15. Cortesa can move/remove the cars for specific security, operational or commercial reasons, without obligation and without prior notice to the customer. No economic compensation of any sort will be due to the user for these operations.

16. Having parked the vehicle the user acknowledges to have read and accept all the rules of this Parking Regulation, committing to respect it scrupulously.

17. Furthermore, parking is exclusively dedicated to passengers or natural persons who use the stalls for non-professional purposes. Therefore, the use of the stalls or any space inside the parking area by companies or other subjects for the performance of any professional activity (i.e. companies or professional subjects operating in the field of passenger transport) is absolutely not permitted. also free of charge, Hotel Shuttles, Parking Shuttles, Car Shuttles, Taxi, NCC, TPL), without prior written authorization from Cortesa Srl. which will subject these activities to specific fees.

18. Any action put in place by the client to circumvent and / or reduce the payment of the parking fee or otherwise in violation of provisions of law and / or airport or parking regulations, will legitimize the Operator to legal action with the competent Judicial Authority.
In case of discrepancy in the translation, the italian version will prevail.

Invoices and Refunds
As required by Article 22 of DPR 633/72, the invoice is not mandatory, if it is not requested by the customer after the transaction is completed, therefore the customer, if interested, must always request it before issue of the fiscal receipt.

Refund of the parking ticket is allowed under the following conditions:
- up to 7 days before the parking 100%
- from the 6th day to the 4th day 50%
- from the 3rd day no refund
In order to request a refund it is necessary to send an email to specifying: complete name, voucher number, parking date and duration, amount paid and repayment method with complete bank details (bank account and/or credit card).

Other product rules

Geasar manages the on-line marketing and sales processes of airport services as Fast Track and Club Lounges.

The exclusive facilities at Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport can be purchased as follows:
- Online, payment by credit card, paypal
- at the Geasar ticket office inside the airport
- at the self-service machine located at the entrance of the fast track (payment cash or credit card) only for fast track or double comfort services.

The purchaser of the service does not have to be the card credit holder. In case of online shopping the client receives the voucher by email that must be shown with the boarding card to enjoy the service. In case of purchase through the self-service machine at the airport the passenger receives a receipt to be shown to enjoy the service in the same issue date of the receipt.
The service is free for children under 2 years.
Club Lounge opening hours: April-October every day h.06:00 - h.22:00

Invoices and Refunds
As required by Article 22 of DPR 633/72, the invoice is not mandatory, if it is not requested by the customer after the transaction is completed, therefore the customer, if interested, must always request it before issue of the fiscal receipt.
Refunds and / or substitutions are not allowed.
Please read the general terms and conditions of sale before proceeding with the purchase.

For information contact us at