Useful Numbers

Centro Servizi Sps
Mezzanine floor
+39 0789 645744
Arrivals Area
+39 0789 69494
Edicola Trade News
After Security Checks
+39 392 558151
Departures Area
+39 0789 69101
Financial Police
Arrivals Area
+39 0789 69496
Fire Brigade
Outside the terminal
+39 0789 69502
First Aid
Arrivals Area
+39 0789 563457
First Aid
Departures Area
+39 0789 563457
Fish & Wine
After Security Checks
+39 0789 563 415
Grain & Grapes
Corte Smeralda
+39 0789 563 513
Information Desk
Arrivals Area
+39 0789 563444
Kara Cafè
After Security Checks
+39 0789 563405
Kara Food
Corte Smeralda
+39 0789 563517
Kara Italy - Walkthrough Store
After Security Checks
+39 0789 563470
Kara Kiosk
Outside the terminal (between arrivals area and car rentals terminal)
+39 0789 563450
Lost & Found
Arrivals Area
+39 0789 563456
Outside the terminal
+39 0789 563471
Departures Area
+39 0789 563445
Shopping - Ambrosio
Corte Smeralda
+39 0789 67042
Shopping - Carpisa
Corte Smeralda
+39 0789 66291

number of results