Lost Property Rules

Lost and found items at the airport
Bags, objects or movable property, of any value, found at Olbia Airport and not directly attributable to a Carrier, are treated as "found objects".
The items found will be returned, subject to investigations and precautions of the case and preparation of a special delivery report, to the person who, within one year from the first day of publication on the GEASAR website, declares to be the owner.
After one year and one day from the first day of publication on the GEASAR website without anyone presenting themselves to claim ownership of the recovered item, GEASAR may proceed, following publication also on its website, to the auctioning of the items found, directly or through third parties.
The profit from the sale of the items will be donated according to the information provided by the ENAC Airport Management.
The Infopoint manages the reports of passengers  requesting information about lost items at the airport, carries out preliminary research and agrees with them, in accordance with internal company procedures, the methods of delivery (in person, by delegate and/or by express courier), the collection/delivery costs are in charge of the passenger.
Who have accidentally lost objects at the airport can report it by contacting the Infopoint located in the arrivals area through the contact form on the official website of the Airport https://www.geasar.it/en/airport-guide/contact-us by selecting the area "lost properties". For an easier search, the objects found at the airport are also catalogued and published online on the official website of Olbia airport on the following page:

Tel. +39 0789 563 444
Contact us

Properties lost on board the aircraft

Those who have accidentally lost items on board the aircraft can report the loss contacting the Lost & Found office located in the air-side of the Terminal, near the baggage reclaim belts.
Lost & Found office
Tel. +39 0789 563 456 
Contact us
Personal documents
The identity documents/passports found are delivered directly to the Airport Police, therefore those who have accidentally lost them can call the Police at the following number +39 0789 641059, or go to the office located in the first floor of the airport.